Monday 5 December 2011

Leave your pain behind

Is recurring back pain, sciatica, neck pain or muscular injury stopping you from enjoying the life you want? If the answer is yes, to many of the above, then you've the chance to do something about it, today.

Complete Chiropractic is an established clinic which started 9 years ago and provides professional, effective and pain-free chiropractic care in a friendly relaxing environment.

Francois Hacault, provides treatments that focus not only on alleviating the symptom but finding and correcting the causes of pain.

Chiropractic "adjustments" gently remove pressure and irritation from the spinal nerves and joints to help restore optimal spinal function and alignment.

If the spine is out-of-line or unbalanced it can cause a variety of problems throughout the body, including back and neck pain, headaches, sciatica, stress, disc problems and pregnancy related pain.

By working to realign the spine we, at Complete Chiropractic, can help restore people's optimum health and movement of the body.

All treatments begin with a thorough initial consultation; a full medical history is taken, a postural and spinal examination is performed as well as details on lifestyle and symptoms. From this, we build up a picture of what might be causing the problems and tailor a course of treatment accordingly. The adjustments are carried out fully clothed and are pain-free.

At our clinic we know that back pain and muscular complaints can be successfully treated, so instead of "learning to live with it", I encourage you to try chiropractic.

If you are feeling worse this year than last and are tired of that recurring pain, if you want to be able to do the things you want to do pain-free, Complete Chiropractic may be the answer you are looking for.

Friday 4 November 2011

The benefits of Wellness Care

Have you ever thought of what you do every day to have the best quality of life possible? of do you just get up run around all day and go to bed only to start over agin tomorrow.

As we will all slowly find out, we are not the indestructible 20 year old for long. As our demands change with the years, the job, family, the week seems to get shorter and shorter with less and less time for us to do the things we used to do to keep the negative stresses at bay, and we need to now more than ever find and make the time and priority to invest in ourselves so that we can go through our 40ies, 50ies, 60ies feeling as good as we did in our 20ies.

Now is the time to act. Not tomorrow. Not next week. The years are going by to quickly to put it off! Do something about that niggle, that headache, that back ache, that neck ache, the slow decrease of energy. Invest some time in yourself and it will reap rewards you thought you had lost and would not get back.

Friday 28 October 2011

Are you fighting the winter colds?

Many people in Autumn feel the seasonal changes by experiencing a runny nose, sore throats, sinus pressure and pain, fever, tummy bugs and general dis-ease. Have you ever thought of what nature is doing at this time of year? What is happening to the trees? They're losing their leaves, plants are becoming dormant in preparation for winter. The weather is changing, its colder, darker.

Isn't it logical that our bodies should go through a change as well. Shouldn't we change our cells as well. Just think of what happens when we blow our noses, sneeze or cough. We are expelling cells to make way for new ones that are more appropriate to the seasonal changes.

Think of this, every spring, or autumn, when the trees start to change, most of the population will experience changes as well. Some will go through the change more noticeably than others, blosing their noses, having a fever (which is the bodies way or weakening the bugs that try to take advantage of our bodies changeing.) or possibly tummy bugs. We've been taught that these changes are bad, but are they actually?? It is part of nature to change with the seasons, so why shouldn't we?

If you are going through a tough time try these simple but effective helpers.
1) 1000-5000mg of vit C daily (spread out throughout the day). This helps your cells assimilate iron better to ward of the invaders.
2) Steam inhalations with eucalyptus. The steam and eucalyptus help weaken the foreign bacteria as well as helps to expectorate the old cells.
3) Drink loads of water, green or herbal tea. Fluids help keep the body hydrated as wel as allowing you to flush the bad cells out of your body.
4) Get plenty of rest. Resting helps your body divert essential energy to the immune system and changeing body parts.
5) Try to decrease your intake of sugar or sweeteners. These depress your immune system for 30-60 minutes after injesting them.

Good Luck and to a better seasonal change.


Monday 17 October 2011

The benefits of a pH neutral body

Have you ever thought about whether your body is acidic or not? How would you feel if you are over acidic?

When your pH is out of the normal range, the cells and tissues in your body have to work harder to do the daily tasks that they are meant to do. Just imagine your house, do you take out the garbage when the bin gets full or do you just leave it overflowing. What will eventually happen to the room, or your house if the waste is not removed. This is like the effect of an acidic body on your cellular function.  Chances are you will be fatigued, have sore muscles, be prone to frequent colds and suffer from back or neck ache or frequent headcahes.

Would you find it harder to move? Do you think it would affect your emotional state of mind? Do you think you would have to work harder to move around? An acidic body leaches the essential minerals you have to try to keep the acid/alkaline balance alkaline minerals include calcium (Ca+) potassium (K+), magnesium (Mg+) and sodium (Na+). Just look at your salivary pH. If you have an acidic body you will be below 7 on either of these tests.(or be an orange rather than blue color on the pH test strip)

Your body and blood try to stay at an optimal pH of 7.35. The strongest acid are closer to 0 and 14 is the most alkaline.
High acidity enters your body when you eat processed foods, pre-packaged foods, sugary foods, pastas, dairy products (milk, cheese, ice cream, etc.), alcoholic beverages, drugs, table salt. Meats also promote acidity.
Stress also plays a significant role in creating excess acid. This is why Type A personalities - who tend to live in a perpetual state of tension and rigidity - are prone to develop acidic conditions. If you don’t get enough sleep or exercise or face life-changing events - loss of a job, divorce, moving to a new city, etc. - your body probably has more acid than it can handle.

Moderate changes in your diet can help restore your pH balance. For starters, try eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, almonds, and yogurt. And go lighter on cheeses, soft drinks, alcohol, processed foods, and sweeteners (use raw honey instead). Roughly 75 percent of your diet should consist of alkaline-producing foods and add 1 heaping teaspoon Barley grass as a body alkiliniser to your everyday eating routine.

To lower your stress level, which will help put your pH reading in the normal range, you may want to try deep-breathing exercises or what ever type of relaxation technique works for you. Moderate exercise - even walking 10 minutes a day - can also go a long way toward reducing stress and restoring balance, the key to good health.

Proper cellular pH balance is absolutely vital for regenerating, healing, and rebuilding your body, as well as detoxifying and eliminating the accumulated toxins from the body, especially the liver and kidneys.

Monday 10 October 2011

The importance your neck curvature.

The importance of the curvatures in your spine are extremely important yet overlooked by most health professionals. Over the years I have been privileged to help many people make life lasting changes to their spinal posture and prevent spinal degenerative changes. The impact on the spinal cord and nervous system is immense as the change in spinal joint tension on the nerves is increased in altered spinal postures. Just think of a garden hose with a kink in it or someone gently stepping on it. This changes the amount of information travelling from the brain to the body and back to the brain again.

Original x-ray demonstrating a straight neck with no cervical curve

Post curvature now near normal

The change of posture of the neck can lead to all sorts of symptoms including neck pain, frozen shoulder, upper back pain/ cricked necks, pins and needles in the arms, headaches and muscular pains. By maintaining a healthy nervous system and proper spinal posture we can help your body get back to normal and feeling great again.

Do something about it today.

Yours in Health Naturally
Francois Hacault B.Sc., D.C.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Happy 116th Birthday Chiropractic - September 18th 2011

The History of Chiropractic

On September 18, 1895, D.D. Palmer was working late in his office when a janitor, Harvey Lillard began working nearby. A noisy fire engine passed by outside the window and Palmer was surprised to see that Lillard didn’t react at all. Patiently Palmer managed to communicate with the man, and learned that he had normal hearing most of his life. However, he had been over in a stooped position and felt something ‘pop’ in his back. When he stood up he realised he couldn’t hear.

He approached the man and tried to strike up a conversation. He soon realised Lillard was deaf.

He ran his hand carefully down Lillard’s spine and felt one of the vertebrae was not in its normal position.

“I reasoned that if that vertebrae was replaced, the man’s hearing should be restored”, he wrote in his notes afterwards.

“With this object in view, a half hour’s talk persuaded Mr  Lillard to allow me to replace it. I racked it into position by using the spinous process as a lever, and soon the man could hear as before”.

Over the succeeding months, other patients came to Palmer with every conceivable problem, including flu, sciatica, migraine headaches, stomach complaints, epilepsy and heart trouble.

D.D. Palmer found each of these conditions responded well to the adjustments which he called ‘hand treatments’.

Later he coined the term chiropractic – from the Greek words, ‘cheiros’ meaning hand, and ‘praktikus’ meaning action.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Chiropractic Bio Physics

What Is It?
Chiropractic Bio Physics is a system of chiropractic spinal analysis and care developed by Donald D. Harrison and Glenn Harrison to improve patient well being. They are trained chiropractors from America, who have been researching this method of chiropractic analysis for over 25 years.

The goal of the CBP technique is to restore three dimensional human posture. They have developed many methods to achieve this, including the ‘mirror image’ posture adjustments, rehabilitative exercises and cervical, thoracic and lumbar extension traction and manual techniques.

The CBP corrective care program involves chiropractic adjustments, instrument assisted adjustment and a variety of corrective extension traction procedures and corrective postural exercises.

What is involved for me?
During your initial consultation Dr Francois took a full case history, conducted a thorough orthopaedic and neurological exam and assessed your posture for any irregularities. Your x-rays were analyzed to decide on an  appropriate schedule of care, involving the use of the bio-physics techniques.

The most common posture we see is ‘cervical hypolordosis’, where the patient’s head is pushed forward and the ligaments and muscles in the neck have shortened to adapt to the abnormal posture.

The purpose of the cervical traction is to provide a slow adjusting force to stretch them back out. This helps to restore the natural curve in the neck and assists in holding adjustments longer.

By using these methods our chiropractors have amazing success in  restoring the natural curves in our patients spines and assisting in achieving optimal spinal structure and function.